
Netzwerke & Links

We received new showcases

Four high-quality showcases were made available to us from the holdings of the Halle City Archives after they had been discarded there.

The highlight is that the same showcases were also donated to the city archives about 30 years ago by the association of former Halle residents. Of course, Count Luckner was a member of this club, and so the circle closes. We are pleased about the enrichment of our museum and will be using the display cases for the next museum night at the latest.


Die vom halleschen Stadtarchiv gespendeten Vitinen wurden mit einem Hänger abgeholt und auf unserem Innenhof zwischengelagert.

Die Vitrinen im Keller. Hier lagern auch die anderen hölzernen Exemplare.


Donation from Bielefeld

Today we received a donation in kind from Bielefeld. It is a postcard (real copper intaglio card) showing Felix Graf von Luckner as a lieutenant captain. This card contains an original autograph of the Count on the front. Thank you very much for the donation in kind.

First Stammtisch

We want to have a piece of a famous fence

A Plague for Forster

Visit of the parking garage south

Michail Gorbatshev died

We remember this great person.

Honorary Members Gerhard and René Büchner

Night of the museums 2022

A new banner
