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Bells of Peace – 2013

… and history “live” on Marketplace in Halle (Saale) – THE WONDER OF HALLE

This year the honory chairman of our society, Mr. Hans Goedecke, had a very special idea. The legendary negotiations between Mj.Gen. Terry de la Mesa Allen of the Timberwolf Division and Felix Count von Luckner should be brought  back in mind to the public on Marketplace.

This campaign was transferred under the tireless and expensive command of our honorary chairman Hans Goedecke. That is why even reprints of the leaflets being droppend down in 1945 by the American forces came down, this time not beeing put from air planes but form the “Hausmannstürmen”, twin towers of our local Market Church, which are combined by bridge. We had noise of plaines from CD and got an impressive feeling. Two professional actors, Peer-Uwe Teska and Wolf Gerlach made the Count and the General nearly perfectly. TV-stations and the radio were reporting live!

Many more than thousand visitors were with us. Some of even shed tears because they had to learn that events live in 1945. They listened to the noise of war and were afraid of the future or even what the next hours would bring to them. Dead or life!. We again had the prayers of the two big confessions, and celebratory all of us spoke the Lord’s Prayer.

Afterwards we all went to the warehouse where the plaque for the Count and the other saviors had been unveiled last year. Our President, Matthias J. Maurer, gave some information of the day, then Dr. Helen Schrader as the representative of the USA (Consul of the USA) gave here view on that issue.

President Maurer especially focussed on what is very important for us:

The Felix Count von Luckner Society honors the silent heros, men and women of our hometown Halle (Saale)
who in those days in April 1945 set a clear signal to stop war.
These Halle-Citizens put white sheets and scarves on the roofs, in the gardens and courtyards.
With that sign they gave an unmistakable information to the American planes circulating above Halle:
We do not want to fight anymore. We only want peace!”
The city of Halle dues our gratitude!


Among others at least up to this point we have a calling:
In Halle (Saale) / Germany we are listening to
The Bells of Peace
