Bells of Peace – 2015

People were almost chasing the prints of the original leaflets dropped down by the American troops in 1945 and being brought again to the public now / Nachdrucke der von den US-Truppen einst über Halle abgeworfenen Flugblätter segelten herab und bildeten begehrte Souvenirs. Photo: (c) Ivo Pötzsch
Bells of Peace – ringing from Halle to the world
Indeed, the 70 anniversary for us was a very special moment. May be this could have been the last anniversary we had guests who were real eye witnesses. So for us among others this was the reason that we planned a real great thing.
As you perhaps you will remember from 2013 (at least from reading the part in our website relating to) we again invited the two actors who again agreed to take the role of Mj.General Terry Allen from the Timberwolves and Felix Count von Luckner. Furthermore, another guy agreed to play the part of Col. Gerald C. Kelleher who was in order to attack Halle and played, therefore, a very positive role in deciding not to use heavy weapons like bombers or heavy artillery from the first moment on, but to look for peaceful solution.
A real Willi’s Jeep could be organized!
Furthermore, soldiers of the “Timberwolves” were there played by do called reenactment men, great that you were with us!
Former ministy of foreign affairs of Germany, Dr. Hans-Dietrich Genscher could not join because of health reasons, but the Deputy Chief of Mission of the USA, Mr. James D. Melville and the Consul General of the USA, Mr. Scott Riedmann made their way to us.
An event erveryone should not have missed!
In the focus as ever were the Bells of Peace of Halle, ringing from this city to the world.
Photos of the whole event have been taken by Mr. IVO POETZSCH, thank you very much for this.
These PICTURES you will find >>> H E R E <<<
With historic cameras a film was made, you can watch this here:
As follows you will find the itinerary for the event (in German only) Programm für 2015 zum Download