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Glen E. Lytle passed away

We got sad news. Our good friend Glen E. Lytle has passed away. For long years he worked as the Secretary Treasurer of the National Timberwolf Association organising with his comrades the yearly Reunions and trips to Europe. For some times he even was in Halle together with other veterans.

In 2003 he was there with his wife Marilyn, the Consul General of the USA and other Timberwolves to get the memorial for the Timberwolves in Halle/Germany unveiled. Later on he signed in the Golden Book of the town.

Our society, yes the whole city of Halle, is losing a good friend. Glen, we will miss you. I personally have special memories in my mind, I will never forget. Glen was the first Timberwolf I could contact in the 90ies. He provided excellent information and addresses of other vets I could use for my book project. Thank you for being of so good help. You were beside me when I spoke to more than thousand veterans in 1996 in Louisville, Kentucky. I could share many more of my memories, be sure, I going to keep them awake.
