Netzwerke & Links

We have to thank! – Secrets about a donation in kind.

Today we have to express our deep thanks, but we do not know whom to thank.

The background is, that we received a big envelope containing a a large collection of items on the von Luckner issue, such as photos (some of them completely unknown for us!), newspaper articles and many things more. There was a writing enclosed explaing us, that the senders found the collection in an appartment at Kiel to be vacated. They were told to send these things to us and did like assigned.

Nowhere we could find an information on the sender, no name, no address at all.

So we decided to choose this way to express our deep thanks to those who donated this wonderful collection to us. We really hope that you will read this. Indeed the collection was preserved from being lost and will now be part of our collection. The items are in “good hands”.

Thank you once more, we very much appreciate your donation.

Matthias J. Maurer

