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Bells of Peace and more on April 19, 2014

Churchbells for Peace in Halle / Friedensglocken in Halle

Also this year leafletzs will be dropped down to the marketplace at Halle / Auch in diesem Jahr werden wieder Flugblätter über den Markt segeln.

As in every year on April 19 at 10.55 p.m. the bells of the churches in an around Halle will ring. This is for remembering the end of World War II. We in Halle have positive memories on that because the town was saved from being destroyed by bombing and artillery.

Brave men on both sides were ready to risk their lives to save many people and the historic city of Halle. Halle citizens put white flags out of their windows showing to the troops of the US-Army that Halle did not want to fight anymore. So the Timberwolves (104th Infantry Division) was open to a peaceful solution.

Again we will have this year the dropping of leaflets, howling of sirens, a prayer and much more will be waiting for the visitors. This time we will not en-enact the legendary negotiations between Count von Luckner and Mj.Gen. Terry de la Mesa Allen, but anyway it will be an event of dignity in any case. And the most important thing will be the ringing of the bells for peace of Halle!
