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Bells of Peace – April 19, 2018

Traditionally, the church bells of Halle will ring for 10 minutes on 19 April at 10:55.

It is at this time the “peace bells of Halle”

The occasion is the commemoration of the largely peaceful end of the war in 1945, but the peace bells are always meant to send a message to today’s world, and a look at recent events in the Middle East shows that peace must always be fought over again and again unfortunately not self-evident.

The international Felix Graf von Luckner Society hereby invites the Halle residents to listen to the peace bells at the foot of the Marktkirche.

Incidentally, this year we are collecting for the renovation of the church and hereby express our gratitude for the many years of support with regard to our project of ringing the “peace bells of Halle”!

