Sinking of the Bounty
– - – OBITUARY – - -
The Hurricane Sandy caused the loss of many lives and severe damages at the Eastern coast of the USA. Simply small is the loss of one ship compared to that but for us as a nautical orientated society the loss of the filmship Bounty is a special thing. It had been built between 1960 and 1961 for the film “Mutiny of the Bounty” starring among others Marlon Brando. Of course, the loss of Claudene Christian, a member of the crew, is a special tragedy. The captain himself is still missing. Against this background the loss of the Bounty indeed seems to be minor matter, nevertheless…
…bye, bye Bounty!
The Bounty: by Inverclyde Views, trimmed by FritzG, HMS Bounty leaving Greenock on the River Clyde; >>>Link to the origin<<<
Sinking Bounty: von US coast guard, HMS Bounty replica sinking during hurricane Sandy, 29 October 2012; >>>Link to the origin <<<