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Visit of Lenore Bahns-Meyer

Lenore Bahns-Meyer meets the Headquarters in Hale

Within the home of the President

Sunday June 24, Lenore Bahns-Meyer and her husband came visiting us. They just dropped off her plane in Berlin and went on a train just to be a few hours in the city, that was a home for Felix Count von Luckner and was saved by him in 1945 from being destroyed. Of course, the visitors from overseas wanted to see the von Lucker Museum, that means parts of the collection, at the moment safely stored at the von Luckner Room at the President’s home.

Lenore. who together with John Fasulo, founded the “American Contingent” of our society, was very happy that Peter Rüdiger and the President Matthias J. Maurer, showed some treasures and told stories. The guests alsmost had to be thrown out to have some time to give them any impression of the von Luckner City Halle.

Awesome our guests stood in front of von Luckner’s home in Halle, on the Campus of our University, the place in front of the Halle Cathedral, Haendels birthplace and, of course, in front of the von Luckner Plaque on Market Place which had been unveiled just some months ago. This plaque is a sign of appreciation to the savors of the town.

Lenore and Henry left Halle in rain, but happy and promised to come again.

Thank you very much for your visit, we appreciate this very much, and this how we understand our international society. We got a lot of ideas and we well get them done!
